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Subscription Issues

Renewing Your Subscription

Your subscription is renewed automatically for a period equivalent to the length of your current billing period. This doesn’t require any action on your part.

Contact your Service Representative if you need to renew your subscription for a longer/shorter period than your current billing period.

You may terminate your subscription by giving us at least thirty (30) days written notice.

Putting Your Subscription on Hold

If a situation arises where you need to suspend the operations for which our information services are used, you can suspend your subscription. Simply send your Service Representative a request in any form to suspend the subscription. Your subscription is generally suspended using an additional agreement in the form of a written addendum to the Subscription Agreement. It will stipulate the period (generally not more than 6 months) and terms and conditions for suspension of the subscription, provide for suspension of payment of the license fee, and define the terms and conditions for reactivating the subscription. The duration of the suspension can be extended at your request. You can get a copy of the standard text of the agreement to suspend the subscription from your Service Representative.

Revisions to Subscription Agreement

The Subscription Agreement is the primary document regulating the terms and conditions of the subscription to the Regulatory Information Services.

Since we use the standard Subscription Agreement for all subscribers, at the time of placing a subscription order subscribers confirm that they have reviewed and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Subscription Agreement. To improve the quality of the services we provide or protect intellectual property of our suppliers, we may occasionally revise, amend, or modify the Subscription Agreement, and will promptly inform our subscribers of any changes.

If you have any specific needs that require revisions and amendments to the standard terms and conditions of the Subscription Agreement, please refer them to your Service Representative. We will be glad to discuss your requirements and we will try to accommodate your needs. Normally, all client-specific revisions and amendments to the Subscription Agreement are made in written form and signed by the parties.

Change of Address

Please promptly inform your Service Representative of any changes in your legal or mailing address, the name of your company, or other changes that might require changes to your Subscription Agreement.

In-Text References:

     Getting Started
     Subscription Issues
     License Agreements
     Information Services
     Billing and Payment

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