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Subscription Agreement

The Subscription Agreement is the standard document regulating the terms and conditions of the subscription to the Regulatory Information Services. Among other things, it contains the dispute resolution procedures, force majeure circumstances, the conditions for cancellation of the subscription, and other information. The Subscription Agreement also contains references to other documents:

  • Invoices (or purchase receipts) from the information services vendor.
  • The license agreements that stipulate the legal and technical terms and conditions for installation and use of the software and databases provided as part of the information services.
  • The list of the wireless networking equipment (if your delivery set includes such equipment) with the terms and conditions for delivery, installation, operation, warranty service, and technical support for the equipment.

When placing your subscription order, you must confirm that you have reviewed and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Subscription Agreement. If you don’t agree with any provision of the Subscription Agreement, or your specific business and financial activities require substantial revisions or modifications to the text of the Subscription Agreement, please contact us to resolve all service-related issues prior to placing your subscription order.

Download Subscription Agreement

Use the link below to view the text of the standard Subscription Agreement. The text is in PDF format and incorporates the latest revisions and amendments.
          Subscription Agreement

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